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/index.jsp(1,1) Page-encoding specified in XML prolog (UTF-8) is different from

<div class="iteye-blog-content-contain" style="font-size: 14px"></div>
在myEclipse中大写的UTF和小写的有区别。当出现/index.jsp(1,1) Page-encoding specified in XML prolog (utf-8) is different from that specified in page directive (utf-8)时,把小写改成大写即可。


    Apache2.4 Win64位

    apache No input filespecified,今天是我们配置apache RewriteRule时出现这种问题,解决办法很简单如下 打开.htaccess 在RewriteRule 后面的index.php教程后面添加一个“?” 完整代码如下 .htaccess ...


    The benefit of a column maker is that it can help you to format your text/code, or in some cases to make it easier to read in complex nested logic. Quick Open UltraEdit and UEStudio provide multiple ...


    xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt; &lt;name&gt; &lt;/name&gt; &lt;MD5&gt; &lt;/MD5&gt; &lt;SHA1&gt; &lt;/SHA1&gt; &lt;/FILE_ENTRY&gt; &lt;/FCIV&gt; 5.Verification: --------------- You can build a hash database of your sensitive files ...


    Directive names are *case sensitive* - foo=bar is different from FOO=bar. ; Directives are variables used to configure PHP or PHP extensions. ; There is no name validation. If ...

    LINUX gd-2.0.35.tar.gz

    1. Type './configure' 2. Type 'make install' Generic configuration instructions are in the file INSTALL. The following 3rd-party libraries will be used by gd if found by configure. While gd will ...


    6)....Fixed: Empty "Count" field/column is now displayed as "1" in Viewer 7)....Fixed: Generic names with "," could not be decoded in Viewer 8)....Fixed: Updated Windows 10 detection for latest builds...

    tomcat8 + nginx + memcached + cas 实现负载均衡的配置包

    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for ...


    Please specify optimization flags to use during compilation when bazel option "--config=opt" is specified [Default is -march=native -Wno-sign-compare]: Would you like to interactively configure ./...

    Zlib & LibZip for Qt in Windows

    zlib是提供数据压缩用的函式库,由Jean-loup Gailly与Mark Adler所开发,初版0.9版在1995年5月1日发表。zlib使用DEFLATE算法,最初是为libpng函式库所写的,后来普遍为许多软件所使用。此函式库为自由软件,使用zlib...

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    1. In the script handling the redirect URI, exchange the authorization code for an access token: ```php if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $token = $client-&gt;fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($_GET['code']); ...


    修改后的jar包,原始的包,打包签名的时候会出现错误,因为里边有可系统自带的类重复的,这个已经删除了。。如果你只是用来连接webservice的话就直接用可以了,代码混淆里也不需要多余的操作。 ...


    --prefer-family=FAMILY connect first to addresses of specified family, one of IPv6, IPv4, or none. --user=USER set both ftp and http user to USER. --password=PASS set both ftp and ...


    We used multiple GPUs for training and prediction, so we also specified multiple GPUS for training and forecasting in this program. baseline: https://github.com/bojone/kg-2019-baseline ---- 我们在...


    configuration: --prefix=/f/usr/ffmpeg_build413 --enable-memalign-hack --enable -gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-shared --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libamr-nb -...At least one output file must be specified

    Rational Interger

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    $ cd yarb && ./install.sh 运行 本地搭建 编辑配置文件 config.json,启用所需的订阅源和机器人(key 也可以通过环境变量传入),最好启用代理。 $ ./yarb.py --help usage: yarb.py [-h] [--update] [--cron ...

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    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?&gt; &lt;manifest xmlns:android="https://schemas.android....


    Value is expressed in hexadecimal, and consists in a classic Red/Green/Blue color code : RRGGBB - LabelFontName : Font used for the label boxes. - LabelFontSize : Size of the font used for the ...


    Each compressed inode is on average 8 bytes in length (the exact length varies on file type, i.e. regular file, directory, symbolic link, and block/char device inodes have different sizes). 5. ...

    FFMPEG 支持 X264编码(windows 版本)

    FFMPEG 支持 X264编码(windows 版本) ... configuration: --prefix=/f/usr/ffmpeg_build413 --enable-memalign-hack --enable -gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-shared --...At least one output file must be specified

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